Welcome to BarnesvilleGA.net

This is the net information site for the 147.225 Barnesville GA Repeater.

I thought I would post a picture of the aurora as seen in Barnesville GA:

El Aurora Barnesville, GA
The blog feature has been discontinued based on lack of legitimate use compared to spammer posts.

NOTE: Contact W8JI via email or on the 147.225 repeater for anything you would like posted.

Repeater Net Schedules

Nets currently operate every day at 9PM local time except Friday and Saturday

Sunday 9PM Tech Talk General hosted by KE4BB. Topics are by users choice. Bring your radio questions.

Monday 9PM Tech Talk Targeted hosted by KE4BB. The present forum deals with lessons in using and understanding EZNEC. We are currently using EZNEC 6.0 to model and discuss antennas. Some antenna can be modelled with the 20 segment free demo but we are moving toward antennas and feedlines that require the paid version.

Tuesday 9PM Various nets and various hosts. This was originally supposed to be a training net, but it evolved into a swap net on some weeks and general net on others. We hope it gets back to some serious training, and will post any training schedule here

Wednesday 9PM Trivia Check in a bit early for Trivia, hosted by N5FBI

Thursday 9:15 PM Net This net was hosted by KE4HNC, Kimberly. Kimberly passed away September 11, 2023. We all miss her, but the net continues

Friday open if you would like to have a net please contact us

Saturday open if you would like to have a net please contact us

About Nets
Nets are assigned and under the control of the listed stations above.


See Forsyth Tailgate page
Tech Talk Sunday and Monday are open session